How it all started...
In the late 1990’s and early 2000 the Lord led Broadview to engage in local missions by renting several apartments & mobile homes for the purpose of city outreach. What started as a bus ministry turned into a thriving missions outreach with ministry posts all throughout the city.
Through this effort, we began to build strong relationship with some of those neighborhoods and in particular the neighborhoods North of Dyess Air Force Base. God slowly started leading us to plant a church on the west side of Abilene, north of the Air Force base: a “multi-site” one church – two locations.
With much prayer and the Lord’s blessings we opened Broadview West on Easter Sunday, 2006. From the start the goal was to glorify our Heavenly Father and be a tool that God could use to reach the lost and hurting of our community. From the start we have done that; through knocking on doors, handing out flyers, hosting block parties, and getting to know our community.
In a phrase, "genuine faith expressing itself in Christ-like love."
Our goals have not changed. We are still intentional about sharing Jesus Christ with the community around Broadview West, being a light that shines bright the love that God has for us in Christ, no matter who you are or what you've done.
Through this effort, we began to build strong relationship with some of those neighborhoods and in particular the neighborhoods North of Dyess Air Force Base. God slowly started leading us to plant a church on the west side of Abilene, north of the Air Force base: a “multi-site” one church – two locations.
With much prayer and the Lord’s blessings we opened Broadview West on Easter Sunday, 2006. From the start the goal was to glorify our Heavenly Father and be a tool that God could use to reach the lost and hurting of our community. From the start we have done that; through knocking on doors, handing out flyers, hosting block parties, and getting to know our community.
In a phrase, "genuine faith expressing itself in Christ-like love."
Our goals have not changed. We are still intentional about sharing Jesus Christ with the community around Broadview West, being a light that shines bright the love that God has for us in Christ, no matter who you are or what you've done.
Weekly Schedule
10:00 AM - Small Groups
11:00 AM - Sunday Service
11:00 AM - Team Kids
6:00 – 7:30 PM | Team Kids
(Grades PreK – 5)
6:00 – 7:30 PM | Student Ministry
(Grades 6-12th)
10:00 AM - Small Groups
11:00 AM - Sunday Service
11:00 AM - Team Kids
6:00 – 7:30 PM | Team Kids
(Grades PreK – 5)
6:00 – 7:30 PM | Student Ministry
(Grades 6-12th)