
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

A Missions Minded Church

"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth." Acts 1:8

Missions for His Glory

Missions is focused on the global glory of Jesus Christ. As the Lord of our church, Jesus calls us to make His name known and exalted among the nations.

Our Acts 1:8 Strategy

We are a disciple-making church with an Acts 1:8 strategy. We want to be used by the Lord to reach people in our own "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth."

We Are Acts 1:8


In our local "Jerusalem," we support ministries in our city that are advancing the Kingdom of Jesus in a biblical way. Through our Bless the City local mission initiatives, all of our small groups are encouraged and equipped to bless the Big Country with the unconditional love of Jesus.

We also regularly engage in door-to-door evangelism to personally share the Gospel with individuals in our city, building relationships and demonstrating the transformative power of Jesus' love.

Judea & Samaria

We also aim to take the Gospel across cultural barriers.

In addition to supporting both the SBTC and BGCT, Broadview actively participates in state and international mission trips throughout the year. We also support several church planters in strategic regions.

Our goal is to continue advancing the good news of the Kingdom, breaking cultural barriers today just as it did in the first century.

The Uttermost Parts of the Earth

Broadview began taking international mission trips in 2005, starting with efforts to help plant churches in South Africa. Over the years, we have sent mission teams to Tanzania, Uruguay, Brazil, Haiti, Romania, and India. Today, our initiatives extend to Brazil, Poland, East Asia, and the valleys of Lesotho.

Both locally and globally, we strive to be a church that makes disciples who make disciples. We value worship, discipleship, and mission on local, state, national, and global scales. The unreached of this world matter to God; therefore, they matter to us as well.

Give, Send and Go

One way we encourage EVERY member of our church to engage in missions is by giving to our world missions offering.

 You can also see the 2025 World Missions Offering Budget.

Join the mission

Sign up to serve on one of our upcoming mission trips.

We take trips to Brazil, Poland, India and South Africa on a regular basis.
We also take trips to the Valley and our church planting partners across the country.

If you're interested in going on the next trip please fill out the connect card.
Be sure to click "next step" and choose "serving."
From there you can share your interest.