Multiply: Bless The West
Broadview West has been experiencing a special kind of growth these past 12 months. Not only has there been a sustained growth in attendance. There has also been a sustained growth in spiritual maturity, membership engagement and leadership development. There is a disciple-making culture of multiplication begining to form. That’s why we are challenging everyone in our church to MULTIPLY even more by “Blessing The West.”
We have two goals. A basic goal of $75,000 and a WOWlelujah! goal of $100,000.
Reaching our basic goal would enable us to extend the existing sanctuary westward so that we can add the neccesary seating to accomdate the current growth. Reaching our WOWlelujah! goal would enable us to update the sound/technology and extend the parking lot to accomodate future growth.
This video shares some personal testimonies from Broadview West and information from pastor Wes about the Multiply: Bless The West strategic resource initiative.